
Essential Theology – Lesson 06

Pastor Scott Craig, Landmark Community Church Rapid City, speaks on the attribute of God’s Mercy and Loving Kindness.

III. THE ATTRIBUTES OF GOD – Moral Attributes [continued]
C. God’s Mercy and Loving-Kindness {One dictionary renders chesed as “unfailing love, loyal love, devotion, kindness, often based on a prior relationship, especially a covenant…}

→ God’s mercy is seen where there is human guilt. God seeks the earthly (temporal), and spiritual (eternal) well-being of sinners, even at the cost of great sacrifice on His part.

→ God’s Loving-kindness is seen as He constantly places His blessings on His people.

→ Instead of giving us the wages of sin; pain, poverty, and death; God gives comfort, blessings and eternal life.

– The most striking O.T. illustration of the mercy and loving-kindness of God is found in the life of King Manasseh (II Kings 21 and II Chron. 33).

– The most striking N.T. illustration of the mercy and loving-kindness of God is found in the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11–32).

Postscript: Election vs free will; God’s Choice only OR do you have a choice in receiving salvation?